Tuesday, March 29, 2011

an owl craft.

i know it's been so long since i've posted here at the bugglette's blog.  i had a hard time coming up with things to blog about since you could get all the shop info and updates through the facebook page.  i've decided since i'm a crafty girl (and will be till i die!  you'll pry this glue gun from my cold dead hands!) that i'll just post about the patterns and projects that i'm working on and things that you can try yourself!

for the past two days i've been working on crochet owls.  the real bug wants a labyrinth themed birthday party, so we've decided to go for the ballroom scene with pearls, crystal balls, lights and owls.  

in case you haven't seen it.  but it's the greatest movie ever, so
go watch it on netflix if you haven't!
i am an owl collector, so i have a big selection of owl figurines that i can lend to the theme, but i wanted something she could keep, so i decided to find a cute animuguri owl for the party.  here's the pattern.  it's a free ravelry download, you have to sign up but if your a crochet or knit fanatic it's an awesome resource for cool patterns.  it has a knit and crochet version, i went for the crochet.  i was sad when i looked at the pattern and it didn't mention a size, but the picture looked to be a decent size and it was a simple pattern so i went for it.

he's cute really.

he wasn't nearly the size i wanted him.  D:

so i fiddled with the pattern and math-ed at it a little bit and figured something out.

see the difference?

he's much bigger and more cuddly, but as you can tell he's a little more squat, he's kinda short and fat compared to the small version.  he's still pretty adorable though.

i'm gonna try this pattern one more time.  i got thick and chunky yarn and i'm going to work the pattern as is with a bigger hook and see if i can't just make him bigger but still keep the shape.  i'll post on that when he's finished.  it only took me about an hour to work the original pattern, so i'll probably crank him out tomorrow sometime.

anyway, i decided to keep the little one in my craft box as a pin cushion.  he will be the guardian of my last remaining yarn needle so i don't lose it on the middle of a ball of yarn or something.

don't worry.  he's been thoroughly trained
for the job. 

love and buttons, tiffers.


  1. that way too uber cute Tiffers! and let's be honest, the squat looks like part of the family! LOL

  2. he does! he actually looks like a kitty face to me, imagine him black with some whiskers. he could be a kitty face pillow. :P
