Thursday, January 20, 2011

craft rage!

yes.  i have been hit with the rage.

i have been trying to crochet a hat for the past four days.  so far, i've unraveled three hats.

i told you guys about the awesome hat from spencer's.  well, i finally gave in and bought it because i couldn't find a pattern i liked or that seemed simple enough for me to recreate.  i still felt bad though for spending the like, twelve dollars or so (after my discount), since it looks so easy to make but i just can't decipher the pattern! 

my hat is cute, though.  :B

so i've been trying pattern after pattern after pattern.  the first two came out right, but were just way too big.  these patterns were designed by people with lots of hair.  if you have long hair the hat can hang down and be more floppy.  but i don't have that much hair on my head, so if my hat is too floppy it just looks like it doesn't fit.  D:

the one i made today came out right, but i couldn't get the hat to tighten up and close at the top.  i think the hook i used was too big, so the hat was too thick to close properly.  i'm in the middle of doing it again with a smaller hook.  i don't actually have the right gauge that the pattern calls for, but this one is closer, so hopefully it'll work out right and won't be to floppy. . .

but oh, the horrible rage i feel every time i have to unravel it and roll it all back into a yarn ball!  i just want to throw it in the fireplace and never deal with it again!

it's currently 3:32 am and i am staying up until this yarn ball turns into a hat.

love and buttons, tiffers.

1 comment:

  1. at 4:58 am the ball of yarn had still not turned into a hat. i went to bed, but i'm back at it again!
